Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Teetering piles of confusion

I know I have been MIA for such a long time...well it's craft fair season here at Studio 23 and I have really been in high gear making a really really big mess of the studio. Anyways I thought you all might love to see what I have crated along with operation "Find a place for everything."  I have spent the better part of September locked in my studio making all kinds of crafty goodiness for the up coming 3 months of craft fairs. Then there was the day when I walked out to the studio and just took a good look at the oh so massive teetering piles of confusion that have taken over pretty much every inch of workable space in the studio. On Monday at 9am I had that "what the hell moment" how did I let my studio get this out of control? So I thought I would share just a few pictures into my small world of massive clutter...oh, so very embarrassing!!  
9am monday "what the hell have done to my studio"

this is gonna take a lot of coffee...

where to begin...log on to facebook...oh wait find the bottom of my desk

the not so messy corner...

oh dear, where the hell is the floor! 

once again the cleaner side...must get another cup of coffee

TaDA!!! 10 hours later,

8 cups of coffe,

and many many trips to the trash can

operation well done!

a place for everything and

everything in its place

let the holiday shoppers enjoy Studio 23

I found my chair!


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