I apologize for my absence. My to do list is longer than I can even stand. I am trying to do it all and am barely getting through the my days.
Had great weekend at my art show in Maynard, MA at ArtSpace. 3 days of it. Sold a few things and made a lot of really good connects. One great lead in to a gallery in Natick. So things are really starting to look really well with getting out in the world and showing everyone what I can create. Pimping my stuff is really hard for me because I really feel uncomfortable talking about my art work along with my jewelry. I can sell anything but my own stuff. Today a girlfriend sent me an email with a link to it...I made the news, okay so I made it into the local paper,
The Beacon Villager, still pretty cool.
This week my internet sales are on fire!!! I have been really busy filling all of the orders along with having to make lots of Greek leather bracelets because they are selling faster then I can keep them on the shelves. Man I sure could use a couple of Elves in my studio these past few days. My email is filling up with orders on an hourly rate right now. Busy is good, but this is just crazy nuts:)!!!
I have spent so much time in my studio this week that when I stop and look around my house I see we still look like Thanksgiving. My husband and daughter went out the other day and got our Christmas Tree, it looks really pretty with the lights on it, but I have not put anything else on it because I have not find the time. We still have 3 pumpkins sitting atop our stone wall outside our door. I am sure anyone walking into this house thinks we are all a bit nuts and that we don't what holiday we want to be having going on right now.
My laundry room has a pile a mile high of dirty clothes. The sun porch/kitchen redo is finished but still needs to be painted. I have all the right tools and gallons and gallons of paint just waiting for me to get to it. But have not found the time to paint the walls.
As for gifts for friends and family haha, that's just gonna have to wait till next week maybe. No ideas either WOW... I have never been this out of mind in all my life.
Trin keeps asking when can she go see Santa so that she can let him know what she wants for Christmas, poor kid she is 4 years old and this Christmas she really seems like she is really getting excite. In the years past she was really really scared of the big jolly fellow. Oh how things have changed.
Our holiday cards came in this week...Looks like they might go out next week if I find the time. Can we have more hours in a day just in the month of December?
And, oh yeah our new foster puppy is showing up this Saturday. Oh so happy and I so can't wait to meet her. She is a 3 month old Great Pry, Husky mix. She was saved from a high kill shelter in TN.
My list....